Where have you been?

I thought you were with me, curled up under the blankets. Are you sad I tossed you away in my sleep? Did you think I didn't love you anymore?

Gato aventura

Don't worry, I wasn't sad. I got to see new and exciting things under your bed. They were sometimes scary and sometimes exciting, but I am an adventurer.

Gato piano estrellas

I went to a piano recital with the stuffies that don't sleep in your bed anymore. The music was dim and dazzly, like a tune from a long time ago.

Gato té estrellas

We went quietly into the kitchen to have some tea, because everyone knows a hot drink puts you to sleep in no time and helps you have sweet dreams.

Gato tetera

I had learnt how to make it from watching you. And so, I made it like you always do, letting it sit for a while in the teapot, and adding milk and sugar in the end.

Gato lectura

An old teddy read a bedtime story to everyone listening. It was about a hippo that missed spring dearly because when it came aroung he got to see his friend.

Gato hasta mañana

I missed the morning too, because I knew I would get to see you. It makes me feel very loved when you peek under the bed, still half asleep, searching for me. But I will become a little wiser and a little kinder from my adventures.